Cookies usage

What is a cookie ?

This data can be used for statistical purposes in order to analyse the number of visitors to the Site. The site collects various data through the use of cookies, particularly relating to the characteristics of the operating system, browser or terminal (computer, tablet or mobile phone) that you use, data relating to your location or data relating to your various interactions with the content of

During your navigation on site website, you accept to receive cookies and the present use of cookies. A cookie does not identify you personally. On the other hand, it records information relating to the navigation of your computer on the site (the pages you have consulted, the date and time of consultation, etc.) that will be able to read during your subsequent visits. Cookies” used by are stored for a maximum of six months.

We inform you that your browser settings allow you to indicate the presence of “Cookies” and that you can oppose to their registration. Those browsing information are collected via cookies or other similar devices, such as “pixel tags”. A cookie is a small file placed on your computer when you browse a site. They have a limited lifespan. Cookies can only store text, which is always confidential and in most cases encrypted. These cookies therefore make it possible to identify you at each of your visits and thus help to improve your user experience by offering you services that are more appropriate to your needs. By using our services, you agree to receive cookies and this Cookie Policy.

You can refuse or limit our cookies by configuring your browser as described in the section “How to deactivate your cookies”.

What are cookies used for and where do they come from?

Cookies can be used for a variety of purposes, including :

  • The improvement of your navigation and the provision of services that you have expressly requested. These cookies are known as “functional” cookies.
  • Measuring the platform’s audience in order to improve its performance. These are the so-called “analytical” cookies.
  • The “social networks” sharing buttons and comments. These are the so-called “social network” cookies.

These cookies are either directly implemented by, or offered through service providers (publishers of audience measurement solutions, advertising agencies and social networks in particular).

If you do not accept Cookies…

1. Via the settings of your Internet browser

At any time, you can oppose the recording of cookies by configuring your Internet browser. You can in fact modify your browser settings so that cookies are saved in your terminal or rejected, either systematically or according to their originator, or to be informed when a cookie is likely to be saved in your terminal so that you can accept or reject it.

  • If you have accepted in your browser software the recording of cookies in your device,, our service providers will be able to carry out the processing of your navigation information described above.
  • If you reject all cookies, you may not be able to use all services that require you to be logged in or identified and you will no longer be able to personalise the services delivered to you by via the platform.

> Go to the browser menu
> From the Settings menu, choose Show advanced settings at the bottom of the page and then go to Content settings in the Cookies section, you have several choices:
> Block all cookies : select Prohibit all sites from storing data.
> Block third-party cookies : tick Block third-party cookies and site data


> On the menu bar, click on Preferences
> In the Privacy section, set up the Retention Rules
> To block all cookies, simply uncheck Accept Cookies
> For third party cookies, simply uncheck Accept third party cookies.

2.Via a third party service filtering tool

If you wish to choose the cookies that will be deposited during your browsing session on our site without taking the risk of blocking cookies necessary for the operation of the service, you can install an extension on your browser that will allow you to filter the third-party cookies you wish. The best known and most practical one is called Ghostery, which allows you to choose which cookies you want to block for advertising, audience, analysis and social network sharing purposes. This tool guarantees cleaner, faster and safer browsing. Ghostery detects and blocks tracking technologies in order to speed up page loading, eliminate clutter and protect your data :

3. Via the links proposed by our partners

These cookies enable us to compile statistics on the volume of visits to our websites and services (number of visits, unique visitors, pages viewed) and statistics on the use of the various elements composing them ( sections and content visited, browsing paths taken). These cookies enable us to improve the interest and ergonomics of our websites, our services and the various elements that make them up. They are also used to offer you editorial content adapted to your centres of interest. Finally, they enable us to detect any navigation difficulties. The removal of these cookies has no impact on browsing our websites or on the use of our services. However, refusing these cookies will have the effect of displaying editorial content that is not adapted to your centres of interest. Conservation period: these cookies have a maximum life span of 13 months after their first deposit in the user’s terminal.


Cookies issued by third parties may be included in third party applications integrated into our websites or services, in advertising content (graphics, animations, videos, etc.), distributed via our advertising spaces integrated into our websites or our services; or are likely to be issued by third parties in the context of advertising partnerships under the terms of which they may be led to collect Navigation Information that is not directly identifiable concerning the content consulted on our websites or on our services in order to enable them to adapt their advertising (by age category, gender, etc.), in compliance with the provisions of Law No. 78-17 of 6 January 1978 as amended (known as the “Information Technology and Freedom” law). We remind you that you can, at any time, simply and free of charge, choose to refuse the recording of cookies on your terminal in such a way that neither we nor our partners will have any Navigation Information collected by cookies (Section I.2 of this Privacy Policy). The issue and use of cookies by third parties are subject to the privacy policies of those third parties. We inform you of the purpose of the cookies of which we are aware and the means you have to make choices with regard to cookies.